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What is a full level and 3 characteristics of this professional

Career Development

What is a full level and 3 characteristics of this professional

The corporate world has several specific characteristics, including the categorization of employees according to hierarchical level. Therefore, knowing how to differentiate each category and understanding what a full level is helps professionals looking for career growth and higher positions.

In general, the main terminologies applied to identify the level of qualification of employees are junior, full and senior. This can be applied depending on the position or department.

The nomenclature also accompanies the job description of vacancy advertisements and helps the professional to understand whether they are qualified for that occupation. It also helps with career planning, as people can set goals according to the levels they want to reach and prepare adequately for each one.

What is full level?

The full level is intermediate, between junior and senior. But, to better understand what the category represents and what type of professional adapts to it, let’s get to know the three levels.

First, however, it is important to remember that this is not the only classification. Before the junior position, for example, professionals usually already have experience as interns. After senior comes leadership positions.

Furthermore, there are several factors that define each stage, including experience, maturity and developed skills. Check each one out:


In general, these are professionals who have just graduated and have basic knowledge about their functions, but little or no practical experience. At this level, they still do not have the autonomy to make decisions on their own and rely on greater supervision from managers.

In addition to experience in their field, this professional is not yet as mature in the corporate world and may not have developed many behavioral skills. This category includes professionals with up to five years of experience.


One step higher on the corporate ladder, the full employee has between five and 10 years of experience in the job market. By working for longer, he now has better resourcefulness and has acquired important soft skills. This professional has an easier time adapting to different scenarios, dealing with people and solving problems.

However, it does not have total autonomy, despite serving as a reference for junior professionals and even interns and trainees. In general, their level of knowledge in the area is more in-depth and it is common for this professional to already have some degree of specialization, such as a postgraduate degree.


This is already a position where the professional acts as a leader. In general, he has more than 10 years of market experience and has a long list of technical and behavioral skills.

He is able to make decisions on his own and assist the levels below, indicating the best processes. He is also capable of developing more complex tasks and has an analytical profile that goes beyond his role, being able to think about the big picture.

Due to his experience, he also has a more strategic role in the company and is able to participate in general planning, proposing solutions and supervising the achievement of goals.

What does it take to be full level?

Although working time is an important factor in determining whether the professional is qualified to fit into the “full” category, it is not the only requirement.

This is because some people develop and improve more quickly and others may be in the process of changing their careers. Therefore, even if they have 10 years of experience in an area, they are “newbies” in their new segment.

Therefore, even though it is a reference, length of service is not the main or only measure to define whether a professional is complete. Check out other important characteristics to be qualified for this position:

Behavioral skills

Professionals with more time in the market are more adapted to the corporate world. This means that you have more behavioral skills to, for example, deal with co-workers and implement efficient communication with the team.

Not only that, he also has more emotional intelligence to face challenges, which, combined with higher technical knowledge, makes him capable of solving problems.

Leadership ability

This also brings more responsibilities and opportunities. A full professional is capable of making decisions, despite being subject to approval from leaders.

Still, he has enough confidence and autonomy to take charge of projects, supervising other professionals and improving his leadership skills.


A big difference between junior and full-time professionals is that the latter has already deepened their knowledge of the area. In general, this individual has completed a specialization or MBA. With this, he studied his field in more depth and expanded his domain in relation to the activities carried out.

In addition to increasing its value, it allows it to have more autonomy, be able to innovate, stand out from others and be able to propose efficient solutions for the company to achieve its results.

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