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What should I wear on my first day of work? Adhere to these seven recommendations.

Career Development

What should I wear on my first day of work? Adhere to these seven recommendations.

Starting a new job always gives you butterflies in your stomach. It’s common to have doubts about how to present yourself and wonder if you’ll be able to handle demands easily. This is part of the process and, to overcome this challenge, just follow some tips on how to act on the first day of work .

The first step is to realize that if you were chosen it is because they saw potential in you. Before hiring, it is common for them to analyze your CV, apply tests and hold conversations to get to know you better. In other words, you were not a random choice. Trust your potential and be open to this new experience.

What should I wear on my first day of work?

To make a good impression, you need to think about some details before your first day. Here are tips on what to do to get a good start in a new job:

1. Arrive early

Even though some companies offer flexible working hours, arrive about 15 minutes before your scheduled time on the first day. Having this extra time will help you arrive more calmly, allowing you to take a breather, drink some water and get to know the place you are going to work.

It is essential that you plan your route in advance, so you will be able to arrive on time. Being punctual demonstrates professionalism and respect for the professionals who will receive and train you.

One tip is to analyze your route at the time you will actually leave for work. Let’s say you went to the company for an interview at 3 pm, this is not a peak time, so this may have helped you get to the place where you will now work faster.

If you need to enter at 8am, for example, remember that in the morning public transport is more crowded and the traffic is more intense. This means it will probably take longer to arrive at the service.

2. Dress appropriately

It is important that you think about the clothes you are going to wear beforehand and make your choice according to the company’s dress code. If you have any doubts, ask HR if there is any guidance on this matter.

In general, most professions allow you to dress more casually, but there are cases where it is necessary to go casual or casual. It is important to make it clear that clothes do not define the professional you are, but you need to think about your attire to be in line with the company’s profile.

Imagine that you are starting out in an accounting department that offers a more relaxed work environment and allows employees to work, for example, in shorts. The company wants to convey the image that it is different in the market, so if you work in social, you will clash with the rest of the team.

3. Be friendly and professional

Once you arrive at your new job, it’s time to introduce yourself to your new co-workers. Overcome your shyness and be courteous to everyone you meet. State your name, the position you will occupy and, if the dialogue develops, also ask what area the person is from, how long they have been with the company and things like that.

Remember that this first impression will help you in future interactions you will have in the workplace. With this in mind, be friendly when interacting and be careful with excesses. Avoid making jokes or forcing a friendship. Relationships will naturally grow closer.

4. Pay attention

It is common for you to receive guidance and training on the first day. Pay attention and write everything down. Don’t be afraid to ask for patience when taking notes; they can be very useful in your first few days. With this, you demonstrate that you are trying to fix what you are learning.

5. Ask questions

During training, don’t be afraid to ask questions. Clear your doubts. This moment is for that. Many people think that questioning shows that you don’t have knowledge of the area, but that’s not true.

Each company has its own methods and routine, so even with experience in the area, you may come across something new. Make questions. This demonstrates that you are engaged and want to do things correctly.

If new questions arise when putting a task into practice, don’t hesitate to ask. It’s better to question than to do something wrong.

6. Respect the company culture

As previously mentioned, each company has its own culture and way of doing things. It’s important that you respect this. Observe how things work and try to adapt to get into the working rhythm.

No matter how much you occupy a leadership position, don’t arrive wanting to change everything right away. Find out beforehand how everything works and, in the future, if necessary, propose changes.

7. Maintain a positive attitude

The first day at a new job is often very stressful. There is a lot of new information, you end up feeling lost and, at times, out of place. However, don’t be discouraged. It’s normal to take some time to get into the swing of things and, in the beginning, it’s natural to make mistakes until you adapt to the new job.

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