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How to deal with career uncertainty? Here is the answer


How to deal with career uncertainty? Here is the answer

Career uncertainty makes many professionals feel lost, not knowing whether it is worth investing in the area they are already in or whether it is better to start over. If you are currently experiencing this, pay attention to our tips before making any decision.

This feeling of uncertainty can have negative impacts both professionally and personally. The consequences range from stagnation and impotence to the lack of self-esteem and mental health, which is why it must be identified and resolved as soon as possible.

What causes career uncertainty?

Uncertainty can come from several sources — from the most internal to the external. Normally, the trigger for this feeling is instability, that is, the absence of something concrete that makes the professional feel safe in the place they are.

This instability can be economic, for example, linked to situations such as changes in the job market, the unavailability of jobs and career opportunities.

The factors responsible for triggering this perception of insecurity are not necessarily bad: advances in technology, for example, can be a cause, as they lead to certain skills becoming obsolete in the eyes of management, and even compromising some professions.

On the other hand, certain situations can serve as a cause, such as the growing trend of temporary contracts, freelance work and precarious jobs, as these are methods that do not guarantee stability to the professional.

How to know if you have career uncertainty

To find out if you are going through a period of uncertainty, it is worth doing a self-analysis: stop what you are doing and ask yourself how you feel about the profession you practice, the company you are in and where you hope to be in the future.

Constant insecurity about your professional future is already an important indication. In everyday life, you can identify it through concerns about job stability, professional advancement or even your financial situation.

Short, medium and long-term professional goals work as a good parameter for projecting where you want to achieve. When there are simply no goals, then you look at the horizon and everything seems just a blur, with no light at the end of the tunnel or perspective, it may be time to rethink yourself as a professional.

The work environment can also directly influence your reality, increasing or decreasing your safety. Frequent outsourcing or high turnover rates lead to a constant fear of being fired.

Going a long time without professional development , such as training, promotion or even further studies (such as postgraduate studies) can contribute to leaving you uncertain about the future.

What to do in times of uncertainty?

Observing the professional scenario from the outside, leaving emotions aside and seeking rationality, can be a starting point to understand where you are, what your true chances are in the area and what are the challenges to be faced so that you can overcome the barriers of uncertainty.

Below, we bring strategies that can help you:

1 – Do market research

You are not alone. Talk to coworkers, former employees of the company where you currently work, former leaders, etc. to understand the reality of professionals in your field.

If networking is important to obtain referrals and partnerships, it is also extremely relevant here so that you understand what the salary range has been, the market demands and what to do to stand out in such a competitive environment.

2 – Set goals

If the absence of goals is an indication of professional insecurity, it is valid to assume that defining them can help you get out of your place and shine a light at the end of the tunnel that is this stagnation. After a good analysis of your CV and how you got here, outline the objectives of where you want to go.

3 – Make financial planning

Your financial situation also affects your sense of uncertainty, so the best thing to do is to establish a plan that will help you avoid being left adrift in the face of unforeseen events such as being fired. Ensuring long-term financial security helps you feel more at ease about the possibility of being unemployed for a while until you find a new opportunity.

4 – Learn to adapt to changes

The whole issue of uncertainty is intrinsically linked to the fear of change. Learning to overcome this fear and adapt to a constantly changing scenario saves you from suffering and helps you evolve as a person and as a professional.

5 – Invest in skills and studies

Yes, many external aspects influence career uncertainty, but do your part: do what depends on you. Improve your skills and invest in studies so that you don’t fall behind and are always ahead of the market.

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